Trade Information for Yveltal (Trade #113884)
Trade Details
Ended: 6:57 PM 12 Feb 2016 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #717 - Yveltal
Pokemon: #717 - Yveltal Level: 52 Gender: N/A
What I'm Looking For
Image for #714 - Noibat
Pokemon: #714 - Noibat Level: 1 - 30 Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Oblivion Win
#2: Foul Play
#3: Dark Pulse
#4: Disable
Other Information I'm looking for a noob at shiny perferd with the nickname echo if can't find shiny will trade for one just need the nickname echo