Trade Information for Victini (Trade #120325)
Trade Details
Ended: 6:13 AM 6 Sep 2016 Trader: (96 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #494 - Victini
Pokemon: #494 - Victini Level: 100 Gender: N/A
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Incinerate
#2: Quick Attack
#3: Endure
#4: Confusion
Misc Information
Trainer ID #: 09016
Ability: Victory Star
Other Information GF event Victini aka 20th Anniversary Event c:

I have both copies of XY&ORAS (4) X is the only game I'm starting anew countless times, so you MAY want to be patient with me.

These are the natures I'm going to SR for then transfer them to Pokebank and start again. (from smogon)
- Adamant
- Jolly
- Naive/Hasty (just a couple)
- Modest (just a few)

If you have a specific nature you want, please include in your offer.
*WILL NOT DO Specific IVs (if you ask/tell/demand me to, I will deny your offer)

Here are the things I'll be looking for/interested in;
1. Nameable Shiny (yes/no) - Ability, Nature, Pokeball +Nugget/etc would be lovely ;v;
2. Gen 1 Shiny - no necessary info but would be nice
3. Rareball/Hackball - Ability, Nature, Pokeball, & Eggmoves
4. Shiny Pokemon holding Big Nugget/Rarebone/ExpensiveItemToSellCuzINeedMoney (I would like details before I accept)

Denied Offers: I have it already, not interested in it, or no info/details included. You have been warned x)
If you want to avoid that, feel free to PM!