Trade Information for Shiny Gastly (Trade #36338)
Trade Details
Ended: 9:06 PM 13 Aug 2011 Trader: (1 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 4th Location: Middle of Nowhere, USA
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #092 - Gastly
Pokemon: #092 - Gastly Level: 16 Gender: Male
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Image for #058 - Growlithe
Pokemon: #058 - Growlithe Level: 11 - 20 Gender: Male
This is a Shiny Pokemon
Other Information I have both female and male versions. If you have questions as to level/nature/moves or other shiny pokemon I own message me please. I put up that I want a shiny growlithe but I'm very open to anything else as long as it's shiny.