Trade Information for Shiny Landorus (Trade #40556)
Trade Details
Ended: 4:05 PM 16 Oct 2011 Trader: (20 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 5th Location: Florida,eastern time zone (UTC -5:00)
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #645 - Landorus
Pokemon: #645 - Landorus Level: 70 Gender: Male
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: FAKE
#4: GET MAD!
Other Information hi,im doin a thing where im trading in pokemon tower defense as well as the pokemon gamez!!! alrite?my account is Fudgeballsinmouth on pokemon td! so send if u have something gud,also tell wat u want! i will be able to trade a few shiny legits from 5th gen in exchange for some shinys in pokemon td!i will tell in pokemon td here is wat i need!!(game can b hacked version)-shiny pikachu,shiny diglett,shiny drowzee,shiny VOLTORB!!,shiny eevees!(up to 3),and the shiny game corners! im not sure about evos becuz these r really importanta!if i have a gud pokemon shiny legit!!!and u reall want it(8/10 gud pokemon) then if u have it u can offer the 3 dogs! also here is a few shiny legits i have willing ti trade!!!(examples)-boldore,dieno,axew,tynamo!,litwick,rufflet,ferrose ed!,emolga,darumaka,throh,and gurdurr!!! even feebas's with item,sableye,and swablus!!! remember!-examples(i have more)+if u think about it they're great deals