Trade Information for Smeargle (Trade #5498)
Trade Details
Ended: 7:58 PM 28 Aug 2010 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 4th Location: Los Angeles
Offers: 3
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #235 - Smeargle
Pokemon: #235 - Smeargle Level: 19 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Vacuum Wave
#2: N/A
#3: N/A
#4: N/A
Other Information Freshly caught Smeargle. I couldn't get them before they Sketched my Scizor's Vacuum Wave, but just get it one more level and it'll learn another Sketch. Smeargle learns Sketch every 10 levels, and it lets you copy any attack in the game, even Draco Meteor, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon and Frenzy Plant.