Trade Information for Dratini (Trade #59713)
Trade Details
Ended: 12:16 AM 9 Nov 2012 Trader: (N/A)
Trade Generation: 5th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #147 - Dratini
Pokemon: #147 - Dratini Level: 1 Gender: Female
What I'm Looking For
Image for #060 - Poliwag
Pokemon: #060 - Poliwag Level: Any Gender: Female
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: wrap
#2: leer
#3: waterfall
#4: rest
Misc Information
Nature: Timid
O/T: Anna
Trainer ID #: 10482
Ability: marvel scale
Other Information looking for any pokemon in the poliwag family with their hidden ability. must be female