Trade Information for Spiritomb (Trade #79895)
Trade Details
Ended: 7:17 PM 16 Nov 2013 Trader: (1 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th Location: New york
Offers: 1
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #442 - Spiritomb
Pokemon: #442 - Spiritomb Level: 30 Gender: Male
What I'm Looking For
Any Pokemon
Pokemon: Any Level: Any Gender: Any
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Feint attack
#2: Hypnosis
#3: Dream eater
#4: Ominous wind
Misc Information
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Pressure
Other Information If you don't have any shinys, I'm also looking for a goodra at a high level, and a helioisk at a high level