Trade Information for Latias (Trade #83423)
Trade Details
Ended: 8:08 AM 28 Jan 2014 Trader: (5 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #380 - Latias
Pokemon: #380 - Latias Level: 60 Gender: Female
What I'm Looking For
Image for #648 - Meloetta
Pokemon: #648 - Meloetta Level: Any Gender: N/A
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Move Set
#1: Read The
#2: Description
#3: For Full
#4: Offer
Misc Information
Nature: Quirky
Trainer ID #: 29721
Ability: Levitate
Other Information Infected with Pokérus but no longer contagious. Also throwing in a Shiny Relicanth (Level: 35) Holding a Masterball and a Mewtwo
(Level: 75) holding Mewtwonite Y. Missed the event so I'm trying hard to get one. Message me if the offer needs a bit more to
make a good trade. I do not care if the Pokemon in created or cloned.