Trade Information for Shiny Reuniclus (Trade #91637)
Trade Details
Ended: 3:04 AM 9 May 2014 Trader: (2 | 100%)
Trade Generation: 6th
Offers: 0
My Pokemon (Basic Info)
Image for #579 - Reuniclus
Pokemon: #579 - Reuniclus Level: 50 Gender: Male
This is a Shiny Pokemon
What I'm Looking For
Image for #280 - Ralts
Pokemon: #280 - Ralts Level: Any Gender: Female
This is a Shiny Pokemon
My Pokemon (Advanced Info)
Stats of the Pokemon
  HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed
IV 313131313131
Other Information I am looking for a legit, competitive, kalos bred Ralts or any of its evolutions. I would prefer it to have 4-6 IVs, with everything but attack and defense being the two possible exceptions, and with a modest, mild, or quiet nature, ranking in order of which I would prefer

I don't care about any of it's egg moves, but it wouldn't hurt to tell me about them

Besides all of that, being able to name it would be a huge win also haha

If you don't want the Reuniclus, I also have a 6IV Mawile and Scizor, plus plenty of other Pokemon, so PM me if you are curious about anything.